Rajasthan Medical And Health Department Bharti 2024 : Nurses, female health worker & CHO vacancy
Rajasthan Medical And Health Department Bharti 2024, a total of 9,890 vacant posts will be recruited for which applications will be taken again soon. Candidates were waiting for this recruitment for a long time, this is a golden opportunity for all of them. The application process will be started soon as soon as the government’s permission is received. Important dates related to this will be announced, about which we will provide you immediate information.

Under the Rajasthan Contract Recruitment Rules 2024, the posts of Nurse, Female Health Worker and CHO have been increased by revising the advertisement issued for the year 2023 for Contract Nurse (Nurse) for the National Health Mission, Medical Health and Family Welfare Department. Including all these posts, the recruitment process will be started again for a total of 9890 posts. Department wise number of posts is given below this post.
Out of 1588 posts of nurses, 750 posts have been increased to a total of 2338 posts, out of 2058 posts of contractual female health workers, 1000 posts have been increased to a total of 3058 posts. CHO posts have been increased by 963 out of 3531, making the total 4494 posts. A revised release will be issued by RSMSSB. In the year 2023, out of 1588 posts of contractual nurses advertised, 750 posts have been increased to a total of 2338 posts, out of 2058 posts of contractual female health workers, 1000 posts have been increased to a total of 3058 posts. CHO posts have been increased by 963 out of 3531, making the total 4494 posts. Revised release will be issued by RSMSSB.
Post Wise Vacancy Details of Rajasthan Medical & Health Department Bharti 2024
designation | Vacancy details |
nurse | 2,338 posts |
female health worker | 3,058 posts |
Health Officer (CHO) | 4,494 posts |
Total Vacancies | 9,890 posts |
official Website | click |
How to Apply Online In Rajasthan Medical And Health Department Bharti 2024
Online Application Form will be taken by the Board which can be filled through the designated e-Mitra Kiosk Facilitation Center of the state. Before filling the online application form, candidates must first study the detailed advertisement. Only after that the candidates should apply online. The process of applying online will be as follows
designation | Nurse, Female Health Officer and CHO |
Total number of posts | 9,890 posts |
essential educational qualification | Will be informed soon through recruitment advertisement |
Age Range | 18 to 40 years |
Online application process will be started | Coming Soon |
Last date of online application | Coming Soon |
To apply online, candidates should click on the Apply online link available on the Recruitment Advertisement on the Board’s online portal http://rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in or http://rssb.rajasthan.gov.in or S.S. o After logging in from the portal http://sso.rajasthan.gov.in, you will have to select the available Recruitment Portal.
After this the candidate will click on Apply Now. If the candidate has not deposited the one-time registration fee for OTR (One Time Registration), then the candidate should first check his/her Unreserved (UR) and Reserved (EWS/OBC-NC/MBC-NC/SC) on the OTR (One Time Registration) tab. /ST/SAH) Category. Fees will have to be paid by entering the details of disability status and home state. In the online application, options will be available to fill as per the category, disability status and home state of the candidate filled at the time of OTR (One Time Registration). Therefore, candidates should fill the OTR (One Time Registration) process carefully. After completing the OTR process, the candidate will be able to apply through SSO.
The information entered by him in the OTR in the application form will remain displayed and cannot be amended. The candidate will have to fill all other information carefully. As soon as the final submission of the application form is made, the candidate’s online application number will be generated. The candidate should keep the print of this online application form safe with him.
Eligibility and educational qualification-
- GNM Course or its equivalent qualification from institute, recognized by the State Government. with
- Registration in Rajasthan Nursing Council (RNC).
Other Qualifications
(1) Health: A candidate for recruitment to the said post must be in good mental and physical health and free from any mental or physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties as to the said post and if If selected, he will have to submit his medical certificate signed by the Chief Medical and Health Officer or Medical Jurist of the district in which he normally resides.
(2) Character of the applicant for direct recruitment in the service should be such that he can be eligible for appointment to the said post. He will have to submit a certificate of current attendance issued by the Principal/Education Officer of the university, school or college where he received his last education and will also have to submit certificates from two responsible persons who have been working since the date of application. It should not be older than 6 months and should not be given by a relative of the candidate.
Age Range
Must have attained 21 years of age by January 2024 and must not have turned 40 years of age. Relaxation in upper age limit in other special categories will be given as follows-
within the maximum age limit
- (a) Relaxation of 5 years will be given in case of male candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class/Most Backward Class/Economically Weaker Section, who are natives of Rajasthan. In case of female candidates of general category, relaxation of 5 years will be given.
(c) Women belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class/Most Backward Class/Economically Weaker Section 2. Relaxation of 10 years will be given in case of candidates who are natives of Rajasthan.
- His age should be less than the retirement age. Explanation: In the case of a widowed woman, she will have to submit the death certificate of her husband from the competent authority and in the case of a divorced woman, she will have to submit the letter/order passed by the competent court.
- As per the promulgation made in Rule 6 (A) of Rajasthan Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules-2021, persons with disabilities will be given age relaxation of 25 years in the maximum age limit prescribed in the respective service rules. Age relaxation for various categories of disabled persons will be in addition to the age relaxation prescribed in the service rules
How to apply-
The applicant should submit the application only in the category under which he is eligible to apply.
Note- Applicants belonging to the Backward Class / Extremely Backward Class of Rajasthan and applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Backward Class / Extremely Backward Class (creamy layer and non-cheap layer) of states other than Rajasthan come under the general category.
- Applicants are instructed to study the relevant service rules along with the Board’s advertisement and instructions for filling the online application form before filling the online application form.
- Online applications will be accepted only till the last date of receipt. Before sending the application, the applicant should ensure that it fulfills all the eligibility conditions as per the rules of the advertisement and all the necessary information regarding the post has been filled correctly and completely in the relevant columns. In case all the entries are not complete and correct, the application form will be rejected by the board or temporary admission will be given in the examination considering only the information filled in the online application form as correct. Its entire responsibility will be of the applicant.
- If the applicant applies in a category other than his own, then the facility of correction in his category will not be given. If the applicant applies for the wrong category, his/her application can be canceled by the Board at any stage, the entire responsibility for which will be on the applicant. While submitting the online application form of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class/Extremely Backward Class candidates, clearly mention their category in the prescribed column, otherwise after the last date of receipt of online application form (after the period for making amendments has ended) No change in category will be made and the benefit of the particular category will not be given to the candidates who do not mention the above category for the advertised posts nor will any application in this regard be considered. ,
4.The Board will check the eligibility of the candidates (age, qualification, category etc.) only on the basis of the information filled in the online application form. If the applicant is found ineligible on the basis of information filled by him, his online application form will be rejected and the entire responsibility will be on the applicant himself. No changes of any kind will be allowed in the entries made in the online application form after the expiry of the period for modification, nor will any application in this regard be accepted by the Board.
- Applicants whose online application forms are received by the Board office with complete information by the last date, such applicants will be given provisional admission by the Board. Issuance of admit card for the examination does not mean that his/her candidature has been finally accepted by the Board or that the entries made by the candidate in the application form have been verified by the Board.
- For the convenience of the candidates, detailed advertisement is being published in the upcoming edition of Rajasthan Rojgar Sandesh and is also available on the board’s website www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.
- Guidelines for Scanning and Uploading of Photograph and Signature Guidelines for Uploading of Photograph:-Application may be rejected if the photograph and signature are not clear.
- Applicant should upload latest color photograph (not older than six months). Do not use mobile or other self-made photos.
- The background of the photo should be white or light colored. The applicant’s face should occupy at least 50 percent of the space in the photo. The nose and cheeks should be clearly visible.
- The applicant’s face and head should not be covered by any clothes, shadow or hair in the photo. Applicant’s head, eyes, If you wear glasses, you can wear them while getting the photo taken but there should not be any flash on the glasses.
- 4.. The photo of the applicant should not have black or sunglasses.
- The photo should be in JPEG format and its size should be 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm. , The pixels of photo JPEG should be minimum 240 × 320 and maximum 480 × 640 (0.3 megapixels).
- File size 50 bobi. to 100 KB There should be one.
- The photograph on the admit card/attendance sheet at the time of examination should match that of the applicant otherwise the candidate will be disqualified. The size of the scanned photograph should be 100 KB. Should not exceed.
- 8.The applicant should sign on a white paper (A4 size) with black or dark blue pen inside a rectangular box of 7 cm width and 2 cm height.
- Guidelines for uploading signatures
- The signature should be made only by the applicant, signature by any other person will not be valid.
- After signing in the rectangular box, get the image scanned and crop it to the rectangular box and upload it.
- The applicant’s signature on the admit card/attendance sheet at the time of examination must match the uploaded signature otherwise the candidate may be disqualified.
- Kanwal JPEG format will be accepted.
- For JPEG the minimum pixel should be 280 x 80 and the maximum pixel should be 560 x 160.
- File size 20 KB. to 50 kb Should be till.
- Signature size 50 kb. should not exceed
- Photograph of signature taken using mobile phone will not be accepted.
- Special comment-
- After the examination, the question paper of the concerned examination will be uploaded on the website of the board. Objections will be invited by uploading the answer key of the question paper on the board’s website. For each objection, it is mandatory for the candidate to deposit a fee of Rs 100/- in the prescribed manner. Its process will be explained in the release issued to invite objections.
- While coming for the examination, candidates should not travel on the roofs and footboards of the train/bus. Also keep in mind that there should be no vandalism, looting, hooliganism, stone pelting, arson, teasing with women etc. in bus stands/railway stations and roads and maintain discipline.
- No candidate should bring mobile phone, purse etc. to the examination premises. Candidates should carry with them a transparent ball pen of blue ink, 2.5×25 cm, for use in the examination. Only one photograph, one original photo identity card and e-admit card can be taken to the Katha. If the candidate brings mobile and other prohibited items to the examination hall/premises, they can be confiscated and the examination center superintendent/conductor and Rajasthan Staff Selection Board will not be responsible for their security.
- Mobile phones, pagers, Bluetooth or any other communication device is not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. In case of violation of these instructions, action will be taken against the concerned applicant as per the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board’s Prevention of Unfair Means in Examinations Regulations, 2016, which will also include cancellation of the applicant’s examination.
- Board’s dress code will be applicable for all the candidates. Detailed information is available on the board’s website www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. The candidate will have to ensure to follow the detailed guidelines mentioned on the e-admit card.